First the original
picture is scanned at several resolutions to bring out all of the
original detail, and establish the over all form of the photograph. Note
that high level scanning will reveal or emphasize details hidden from
the naked eye, including the flaws in the photo. The flaws are
caused by several factors.
Defects in the original
negative, the transfer process, flaws captured by the camera lens,
deterioration cause by time, and mishandling of the photo.

Second The flaws are
removed. This is an arduous task that can take several hours to days.
Since each flaw is examined as if it stands alone, a
decision is then made as to the correct restoration process requires for
the individual flaw.

Third The picture is
colorized. The colorization process gives the picture depth and
effective contrast as originally seen by the camera lens. The eye of the
camera originally viewed color not gray scale.

Fourth finally by
choice the picture is returned to the gray scale